Sunday, July 10, 2011


Let say we have a set of data and we would like to display the following statistics:
1) Mean
2) Mode/Modes
3) Median
4) First Quartile, Q1
5) Third Quartile, Q3
6) Maximum
7) Minimum

Items 3) - 7) can be viewed using boxplot (or sometimes also called as box-and-whisker plot).

In the graph below, I've put in items 1) - 2) at the upper left corner. You may change the data in the cells at the right column but beware that this boxplot is designed for the first 25 (cells A1 - A25) data only. You may change the values in the stated cells and see the changes of the statistics and the boxplot as well. However, if your data falls outside of the range [0,20], you might not be able to see the full boxplot.

You are welcome to play around with the data to see the changes to the vertical lines.

Betty, Created with GeoGebra

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